Dollar Scholars rolled out its first pilot event on Sunday, March 3rd. Dollar Scholars organizers and volunteers came together to test out the curriculum, and conduct a practice run for the content we will teach future beneficiaries. Dollar Scholars teachers (and organizers) Arjun, Haider, and Jake taught the class, which lasted about 90 minutes. Not only did we execute a successful test of our core concept, but also everyone had a really good time. We gained a few insights about curriculum and teaching style, and we hope to have more concrete updates on those topics down the road.

We held our test run in the Economics Department at American University. The Economics Department also provided material support by printing the materials used in the class. Volunteers of all backgrounds participated, including professors, students, and one participant brought their grandfather to learn about finance. We feel his participation proves you are never too old to be a student! Thanks again to all of our organizers, volunteer participants, and supporters and an EXTRA special thanks to Sophia Nayyar for the amazing photos!
