Dollar Scholars Blog

Bringing you the latest on financial literacy

Image credit: Dolllar scholars

Budgeting Smartly as a College Student

Navigating the financial side of college is difficult for many young adults. The National Student Financial Wellness Study revealed that a staggering 70% of college students experience stress regarding their finances. This doesn't come as much of a surprise, as newly graduated high school students transition from home life into a situation where they are responsible for their financial well-being. This is especially applicable for students who borrow in the form of student loans. These added responsibilities can leave students feeling stranded and misguided. How is a newly graduated teenager supposed to be financially secure and enjoy college without guidance?

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Image credit: Graduate Institute, Geneva

Navigating the Dining Budget Maze: Tips to Keep You on Track

Recently, while catching up with my cousin, Parker, a sophomore at Syracuse University, he mentioned his credit card debt, and food-spending habits while at the University. Following this conversation, I became curious about the spending habits of college students, especially surrounding their meal purchases. Parker had previously complained about the dining hall options, expressing his distaste for the food quality. In many cases colleges and universities hold a kind of monopoly over meal plans; the system is not, strictly speaking, a monopoly because students can easily eat off-campus in some cases, though in other cases students are required to purchase a meal plan...

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Image credit: Sophia Nayyar, Dolllar scholars

Dollar Scholars: Day 1

Dollar Scholars rolled out its first pilot event on Sunday, March 3rd. Dollar Scholars organizers and volunteers came together to test out the curriculum, and conduct a practice run for the content we will teach future beneficiaries. Dollar Scholars teachers (and organizers) Arjun, Haider, and Jake taught the class, which lasted about 90 minutes. Not only did we execute a successful test of our core concept, but also everyone had a really good time. We gained a few insights about curriculum and teaching style, and we hope to have more concrete updates on those topics down the road.

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